Landlord & Tenant Services
We focus on offering advice, assistance and providing cost effective solutions to issues arising between property owning landlords and tenants.
The range of services offered to meet parties business needs includes:
- Acquisition of new leases
- Lease renewals
- Rent reviews and other mid term events
- Service charges
- Preparation, service and negotiations for interim schedules of condition
- Preparation, service and negotiations for terminal schedules of dilapidation
- Lease restructuring
- Property Litigation support
- Restrictive Covenants
We work closely with landlords, tenants, legal and other professional advisers in assisting in providing practical tactical advice on issues and trends to meet clients specific needs.
Planning Services
Acting for a range of clients, our planning related services can include:
- Land availability studies
- Initial discussions with planning authorities
- Planning applications
- Planning appeals
- Planning enforcement
- Listed building and conservation issues
- Regeneration advice
- Site assembly
In a world of ever-changing planning policies, ensuring access to professional planning advice has never been so important.
From initial advice on strategy to streamlining delivery, the Practice aims to maximise value and minimise cost throughout the project, managing the planning process to meet our client’s needs and to add value to the planning and development process.
For more in depth planning consultation advice we work closely with other specialist town planning practices.
Valuation Services
For investors, owners and occupiers the Practice offers a range of valuation services relating to all aspects of commercial and industrial properties for both the public and private sectors.
Valuations for Balance Sheet, Financing and Management Purposes
Correct professional property valuations for an organisation’s accounting books and as a basic management tool are more important than ever. Any valuation over two years old is unlikely to reflect prevailing conditions.
Current valuations can:
- Show the return on assets employed
- Allow performance comparisons with industry averages
- Provide advice for sales, purchases and take-overs
- Allow allocation of property costs to different cost centres
Valuation Standards
Valuations are undertaken in accordance with the current edition of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors “RICS Valuation Global Standards 2020” – The Red Book, which has been drawn up and approved in conjunction with other leading professional organisations and is fully compliant with the International Valuation Standards.